Chatham Radio/WCC 1967
The WCC Amateur Radio Association operates amateur radio station W1WCC under the auspices of the Chatham Marconi/RCA Maritime Center. Our primary mode of operation is International Morse Code (CW) which is in keeping with the heritage and traditions of ChathamRadio/WCC. However, during certain events you may also find us on SSB.
We operate from within the original operating building that was built by the Marconi Company in 1914. The radio shack consists of various types of donated ham radio equipment.
The WCC ARA has been instrumental in the installation of antennas using original WCC poles, rigging and wires where possible. We refurbished an original WCC Marconi T antenna which is used primarily on 160m but it will tune on all bands using a remote coupler. There are dipoles for 80, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 meters. Finally, there is an off center fed dipole that is effective on most bands. Antennas are approximately one hundred feet above sea level. A walking trail through the antenna field is located behind the operating building.
In the shack, there are Low Band Systems band pass filters for all resonant antennas, and we use the N3FJP logging software.
Watch our event calendar for upcoming activities and keep an eye out for us on the CW portion of the bands as we are occasionally active outside the special events.
We QSL direct with a SASE as well as LOTW, EQSL, QRZ, Clublog and HRDLog.net
Hope to see you on the bands.
73's from WCC